Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Beauty From The Inside Out

I recently have fallen head over heels in love with a new beauty product, the Isotonix OPC-3 Beauty Blend!
I know, I know, what in the world is that? Its amazingness in a bottle that's what!!! And I swear i'm not just saying that because I sell's truly amazing!

When I first started with Motives, everyone was telling me about this product, and I admit, I was skeptical.
They would say: "Take OPC-3 it will clear up your skin," or "Take OPC-3 you'll feel better and have more energy." Okay I way. Nothing clears up my acne...I just have bad genes, and the only thing that is going to give me energy is Mountain Dew (Yes, ok I'll admit it I am a recovering addict from Mt.Dew. I'm getting through it now thanks to my amazing brother and sister who got me a Soda Stream for Christmas :D).

So I said I would buy a bottle, see how it works just to say I tried it...not expecting anything really, and now I don't know how I would live my life without it! I know it sounds corny...but when you fall in love with a product, you get kinda corny ;). My skin looks amazing, my hair looks healthier and is growing faster, my nails aren't breaking like they used to and they are finally growing, I am more energetic in the mornings, and i've noticed its been easier to loose weight now. That's a big statement for only taking a product for a month. I used to take hair, skin and nail vitamins from Walmart, but I'm happy to say they are now in the garbage!

So what is Isotonix? I like to explain Isotonix as a liquid vitamin. Basically, Isotonix are supplements that come in a powder form that you mix with water for better absorption.  The products are formulated with the proper balance of fructose, d-glucose, citric acid, potassium bicarbonate and other key ingredients to assure that they are isotonic when properly prepared. Normally, when you ingest a daily vitamin or nutritional supplement tablet, your body must work for up to four hours digesting and absorbing the vitamins and nutrients. During this lengthy breakdown process, a percentage of the nutritive value is lost. But because Isotonix products are powders, none of the fillers, binders, coatings and lubricants that are common to tablet manufacturing are necessary. There are no gelatin capsules or fillers. As a result, the amount of time and work necessary to absorb a supplement is greatly decreased.

Isotonix OPC-3 Beauty Blend is made from a combination of bilberry, grape seed, red wine, pine bark extracts and citrus extract bioflavonoids, all found to be powerful antioxidants. Oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) are bioflavonoids (complex organic plant compounds) found in fruits, vegetables and certain tree barks that provide exceptional nutritional benefits to the human body. Studies have shown OPCs to be up to 20 times more powerful than vitamin C and 50 times more powerful than vitamin E in neutralizing free radicals. Which means you age more gracefully :) 

So if the paragraph above made no sense to you's why you'll love it:

  • Supports a healthy complexion
  • Supports a smooth, soft and even-toned complexion
  • Promotes healthy functioning of the skin at the cellular level, which results in healthy, vibrant-looking skin
  • Replenishes essential vitamins and minerals that are co-factors for many enzyme reactions in vivo to help the entire skin to grow and cells to divide
  • Helps maintain normal cell growth
  • Supports healthy skin with key micronutrients to replenish and rejuvenate skin to look, feel and function its absolute best
  • Supports healthy joints
  • Supports healthy skin elasticity to keep skin looking young and firm 
  • Helps maintain healthy collagen production
  • Helps maintain skin elasticity and moisture
  • Helps maintain healthy connective tissue
  • Maintains healthy collagen and elastin levels to help preserve the elasticity of skin
  • Plays a role in maintaining elasticity of capillaries in the dermis, which helps maintain healthy blood flow, minimizing the appearance of spider veins in the skin
  • Hyaluronic acid helps maintain healthy joint flexibility, especially in knees, by moisturizing joints
  • Helps maintain skin moisture
  • Helps maintain an optimal moisture balance in skin that can minimize the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and pits
  • Promotes healing of minor skin injuries
  • Promotes healing of cuts and abrasions
  • Helps support the skin’s natural defenses from harmful environmental pollutants and chemicals
  • Powerful free-radical scavenger
  • Supports the immune system – a healthy body means healthy-looking skin
  • Promotes a healthy circulatory system including healthy capillaries, which ensures your whole body gets the nutrients it needs to stay healthy
  • Provides antioxidant protection for the entire body – minimizes the damage that free radicals can wreak on your body
  • Helps promote overall health
  • Helps skin stay younger looking
  • Helps maintain healthy hair and nails – biotin
  • Helps support healthy bones, teeth, joints and skin
  • Helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, supports a healthy immune system, supports a healthy cardiovascular system and keeps bones strong
  • Adequate calcium and vitamin D throughout life, as part of a well-balanced diet, may reduce the risk of osteoporosis
  • Adequate calcium and vitamin D as part of a healthful diet, along with physical activity, may reduce the risk of osteoporosis in later life

Too good to be true? That's what I thought too. This product has made me feel so good on the inside, my husband looks at me like I'm crazy because I always say, "I can just feel that its good for me." I think I finally have him convinced that he should take it to. I may have to force him to take it....but hey the wife always knows whats best right? 

Remember, your makeup only looks as good as the skin underneath. With proper skincare, and healthy youthful looking skin you will notice your makeup not only looks way better, but you will use less product and in the long run save yourself some money! 

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