Monday, November 5, 2012

Your Make-Up Only Looks as Good as the Skin Underneath

While working for Clinique, one of the things we learned in our Skin Care class was:

    "Your Makeup only looks as good as the skin underneath."

So often us women use makeup to cover up all our flaws. I know this because I am guilty of it. We use concealer to cover dark circles under our eyes, pimples, and blemishes on our face. Then we use Foundation to cover everything up and even everything out. Then we use a powder over top to get even MORE coverage, and by that time your skin is completely covered up with make up. We're using our makeup to hide what we aren't happy with instead of trying to fix the problem we don't like.

Skin care should be an extremely important part of your daily routine. In my experience  most people don't take proper care of their skin, and the reason is usually because they simply don't know how! Before I went to Aveda, and had training from Clinique, I didn't know how to take care of my skin either. In result, I had pretty bad acne and am still working on cleaning up the mess it made. I thought that I could simply use makeup remover wipes, and that was it! How wrong I was!

There are 3 Basic Steps you should follow twice every day for healthy skin:

1) Cleanse:  When you wake up every morning, and before you go to bed every night, you need to wash your face! Cleansing removes dirt, oil, makeup and pollutants from the skin. Cleansers also gently exfoliate dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. This helps to keep your pores clear of residue therefor preventing breakouts, and helps to reveal and maintain youthful looking skin. 

                        *Try Cellular Laboratories De-Aging Facial Cleanser!   $36.75   Buy Here!

2) Tone:  Toning is a very important step that most people skip. Using a toner restores the skins natural pH Balance and removes any residue that the cleanser missed, or left behind. This also helps your moisturizer to soak into the skin better, and promotes circulation. Use your toner with a cotton ball, and sweep across your forehead  down your nose, then across your cheeks and chin. 

*Try Cellular Laboratories De-Aging Toner!    $52.50   Buy Here!

3) Moisturize: Lastly, you need to moisturize your skin, especially in the fall/winter season. Moisturizing helps restore your skins natural moisture barrier, keeping your skin health and elastic. Dry skin ages more quickly then hydrated skin. Moisturizers soften, protect, brighten and hydrate the skin. When you cleanse and tone, you are stripping the skin of natural oils causing it to become dry and tight. Moisturizing brings your skin back to its natural state. Its also a good idea to get a moisturizer with SPF in it. UV damage is so harmful to our skin, it damages free radicals causing us to age quicker. To prevent sun damage, use an SPF daily! 

*Try Cellular Laboratories De-Aging Moisturizer with SPF 55!    $42.00    Buy Here!

It seems like alot of work to cleanse, tone and moisturize two times a day, but I promise you it will only take you about 3-5 minutes, and you will notice such an improvement in your skin! You will also notice your makeup looking better too! 

If you have pretty normal skin, then the 3 basic steps are all you need to worry about. For those of us who have some problem areas we are concerned with....we continue on to Step 4. 

4) Treat: Treatments include serums and spot treatments to target specific needs of the skin. These items give your anti-aging regimen a boost as they work deep within the layers on skin to reverse signs of aging and other skincare needs. Treatment items are layered after your moisturizer, and penetrate deep in the skin to repair. Treatment items can be used for aging, wrinkles, loss of elasticity, acne, marks and discoloration, and dryness. 

Here are some treatment items offered in the Cellular Laboratories Line!

De-Aging Creme
Anti Wrinkle and Brightening Complex

De-Aging Eye Creme

Timeless Prescription
Anti-Blemish Lotion

Struggling with Acne? Try this 3 Step System:


I hope you start paying more attention to the care you are giving your skin. We spend so much money trying to fix problems once they happen, when we aren't trying to prevent them from happening at all! Whether you use the Cellular Laboratories brand or not, you still need to be doing these 3 simple steps two times daily! And whatever you do, please do NOT go to sleep with your makeup on, or apply new makeup over old makeup. Besides not wearing an SPF, that's the worst thing you can do to your skin! 

Once you have your skin in good condition, you will notice your makeup going on smoother, and you may be using even less makeup! And, you will slow down the aging process!! Who doesn't want to do that! Its never to late to start taking care of your skin! Your face is the first thing people notice, so make a good impression!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post . Very informative . Looking forward to read more of your posts
